Pen & Paper Role-Playing GAmes

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of pen & paper role-playing games, where traditional parlor games and creative improvisation meet. Under the guidance of a game master, a captivating story unfolds in which the players guide their self-created characters through a world full of adventures and challenges.


Every fourth Friday of the month at Gameorama: RPG Social Lucerne.

Would you like to meet up with other passionate role-players and have a drink together? Whether you're a complete newcomer or a seasoned veteran, come along to RPG Social Luzern, the new informal get-together where nerds and soon-to-be nerds can exchange ideas. You can drop by anytime between 18:00 and 21:00. We'll have some optional activities on hand to stimulate conversation. And since we're meeting at Gamorama, you'll have a variety of games to choose from should you feel like playing something. For example, the great game "5-Minute Dungeon"!

The role-playing scene is a colorful bunch of people who like to get together to play games. While there are ways to play with friends or find a gaming group in online spaces, one important part is missing: a place where people can meet regularly and talk about the meta-level of the game... This event will change that! 

Come along and chat with us about game preparation, share crazy things your players have done, tell stories about funny rule-bending or ask other gamemasters for advice on a topic you're unsure about! We want to create a meeting place where interested players can learn more and old hands have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other old hands.

Next meetings

Date Location
22.03.2024, 18 – 21 o'clock Gameorama Lucerne, Board game café
26.04.2024, 18 – 21 o'clock Gameorama Lucerne, Board game café
24.05.2024, 18 – 21 o'clock Gameorama Lucerne, Board game café


Registration is not required.  This event is multilingual: DE/CH/EN

Beginners Quest

Would you like to try out Dungeons & Dragons? Then the Beginners Quest with Daniel Korber is just the thing for you.

More information will follow shortly.

Pen & Paper role-playing games in Gameorama

Would you like to play with your RPG group in Gameorama? Then send us an email to Aktivieren Sie Javascript um diese geschützte E-Mail Adresse zu sehen. at least one week before the date and let us know the start time. We will be happy to reserve a table for you in the café or event room.  Of course only during Gameorama opening hours.

Links for interested parties

SwissRPG  Switzerland-wide association where RPGs are advertised, with Discord server for primarily English exchanges.

Gilde der Nacht   Lucerne association with regular game meetings, also with Discord server.  Blog, which reports on RPG news and Central Switzerland Discord server for German-language exchanges.